Water Drops
July 09 2015

Some photos of water drops captured with my Sony a700 and two wireless 5600 flashes. This was done by using an Arduino to time and control the release of the water drop and then the release of the shutter.
  • Drips 20140802 - Arduino Based Photo Timing Trigger Test A

    Adding color with items in the background.

  • Drips 20140802 - Arduino Based Photo Timing Trigger Test A

    A drop making first contact.

  • Drips 20140802 - Arduino Based Photo Timing Trigger Test A

    I used a ball point pen (although any other maker could work) to manually focus on the point of the drip.

  • Drips 20140802 - Arduino Based Photo Timing Trigger Test A

    Drips 20140802 - Arduino Based Photo Timing Trigger Test A